Implementing a SharePoint 2010 Intranet
I was asked to point someone in the direction of a website that had the high level steps for implementing a SharePoint 2010 Intranet recently. After a little digging I found nothing that said what I felt needed to be said at the right level. So, I wrote the bullets myself, and am posting here in the hope they'll be useful.
1. Preparation
2. Implementation
3. Training
4. Launch
5. Iteration
6. Support and Monitoring
1. Preparation
- Requirements Workshops
- Formulate Intranet Vision Statement
- Work on Application Design to meet the Requirements and Vision
- Design an Information Architecture suitable for the Design
- Plan Permissions and Security
- Formulate Architecture for expected operations, loads, and future extensibility
- Agree and commission Visual Design
- Validate above steps with the business
- Use Intranet Vision Statement to formulate a Governance Policy with the business and IT
- Plan End User Adoption strategy for use from Training phase onwards (this informs training, launch, support and monitoring)
2. Implementation
- Purchase Hardware and Software
- Install and Configure SharePoint
- Perform further configuration and Development to meet the user requirements
- Validate and stress test the install
3. Training
- Common SharePoint training for all Users
- Administrative training for Admins
- Power User Training for key individuals
- Outline roles and responsibilities as per Governance plan
- Provide online on-demand training resources long term
4. Launch
- Launch the product to a subset of the organisation
- Provide carrots to encourage use of the new system
- Promote trust and confidence in the new way of working
- Put the Governance plan into effect
- Encourage use of the available functionality whenever it offers benefits over the old way of working.
5. Iteration
- Bring further teams and functionality into the Intranet in bite sized chunks.
- Allow Power Users to "roll their own" functionality if the Governance Policy allows it.
6. Support and Monitoring
- Ensure tiered support is available from knowledgeable power users, user forums and discussion boards, and full on technical support
- Monitor usage of the Intranet to identify problems / unexpected lack of use
- Monitor Search terms to tune Search for best effect
- Promote the new platform for a significant period after launch
- Send newsletters promoting new functionality / Publicise success stories